Yellow TXPE Telegram porn channel has just released all their porn videos and photos that they have collected over the last year.
In a statement by the channel admin, they have sort to release all the videos of Kenyan porn stars who mostly began their careers online during the year of the pandemic to make extra cash.
The channel, Yellow TXPE (alias for Yellow Tape), has been the home of many Kenyan adult models. Some have been introduced to the likes of paid subscription porn like OnlyFnas and the newly launched
Watch Yellow TXPE Porn Star Masturbating on Camera
Check out a video of one of the Yellow Tape channel porn actresses doing what she knows best.
Teasing and arousing horny men who pay Ksh 500 for her videos and photos of her naked and masturbating on camera.
Check out her video below:

Watch Yellow TXPE Porn Star Masturbating on Camera
For more local porn videos and photos by these and other models, visit the website. A local version of OnlyFans that allows payment through MPESA!
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